How It Happened…

Welcome to “Gary and Judith Abroad”… the travel journals about Gary (Daniel Gray) and Judith (Hayley Mutton) exploring life abroad for a little while!

It was in October 2012 when we seriously considered moving out and buying a house. Then Gary said to Judith, “we aren’t going to be able to go overseas and travel and work and live if we have a house…” And then the tide changed. We both agreed to go on our USA/Mexico holiday first and see what it would be like travelling with each other before making any big decisions about living and working abroad.

A month in the USA and Mexico was epic. Once we arrived home in December 2012, we began pondering about moving, working and living overseas…Maybe we could live in London? Or Germany? And then, the light bulb switched on for us when Gary’s sister Mel suggested that we do a snow season in Canada.

We haven’t looked back.

Research began. Phone calls to working holiday programs were made. And then we found our match.

The Working Holiday Club. A program that is designed to help you to arrange your Working VISA, to get you a job and a season lift pass (for 6 months that is!) and most importantly, make some amazing friends – which we are already doing!

The months of January, February and March were all about Skype interviews, filling out forms, working out what mountain we want to work at and what job we would want to do and with utmost excitement, booking a ONE WAY flight to Vancouver!

April and May were spent preparing for our job interviews and then the time came in June to have our interviews! July was spent anxiously waiting for our job offers and finally, Gary was offered a lifty position and Judith a ticket salesperson position!

The countdown has been on since receiving our employment offers and we have since bought a backpack to pack our lives into and had several drink-ups with our fellow travellers. We also, very sadly (for some anyway), quit our jobs in August.

Today, being the first day of October, means we leave for our adventure THIS MONTH.  Just days left of work, and weeks left until we leave, the feelings of excitement, anxiety, happiness and sadness are mounting.

We fly to Vancouver via Auckland on Sunday 27/10 and spend five nights at a hostel where we will meet new friends, attend a hockey game and celebrate Halloween before heading up to Whistler on Friday 01/11.

Whistler will become our home until April 2014 and we will then venture to Vegas for more partying before commencing our Europe adventure in Istanbul, Turkey for ANZAC Day.

We hope you enjoy our blog and take pleasure in knowing what we are doing on the other side of the world!

Gary and Judith.





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